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Terms & Conditions



1). General 


(i) Once Outsider Events has officially accepted your entry form and Event Participation Fee online, you have then officially entered into a legally binding contract with Outsider Events. These terms and conditions form an integral part of your written contract with Outsider Events once your application has been submitted. 


(ii) After reading these terms and conditions and then entering you hereby state that  Outsider Events is then released from liability through an agreement to enter the Event, the Participant hereby waives, releases and forever discharges, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, any and all rights and/or claims which the  Event Participant may have against the Organiser which also including (Stewards, employees, agents, safety officers and any Event Sponsors)


In addition to (ii), the Participant agrees not to take any action against the Organiser and those directly associated with the event for any damages or claims which may be sustained by the Participant directly arising out of his participation in this Event. This release and discharge include, but is not limited to, claims for property damage, economic loss, breach of contract, lost wages, contribution indemnity, other indemnities or any other legally recognisable claim arising out of the Participant’s participation in the Event.


iii) For all participants in any of our gravel events, participants must also read and accept the terms and conditions of our governing body British Cycling via the link


 2). Conduct 


i)You are fully responsible for your actions throughout your time at the event.  This includes the event centre and signing on, out on the rides or runs, in and around the event village. Outsider Events do not accept responsibility for your actions nor their consequences.


ii)Our events are a massive test of both physical and mental ability due to the endurance nature of the events and as a result of this it has with it the potential for death or serious injury or property loss. As result of this when signing up for this event you state that you are in such physical and mental state that this is within your capabilities.  The risks of participating in Outsider Events include but are not wholly limited to: weather conditions, road traffic, behaviour of other participants, volunteer helpers, officials and spectators in and out of the event, dehydration, hypothermia and behaviour of animals. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that they are medically fit to participate in any of the events advertised on this site. If you have any medical conditions which may affect participation you should first consult your GP with any questions of whether it is fitting for you to participate and then-on inform the event organiser of such medical conditions if your GP feels it is fitting for you to do so.


iii)Outsider Events Operates a strict no drugs policy at the event. This will be reinforced through SIA Security at the event village.


iv) Drink responsibly, any person conducting themselves in an unsafe and antisocial manor shall be escorted from the premises. 



WHEN SUBMITTING AN ENTRY: You hereby declare that you are both physically and mentally fit enough to take part in any of the activities and degrees of difficulty that the event has on offer.  


3) Hazards & Risks 


i) The event participant understands the risks associated with the activities of Outsider Events- rides, running and with the activities included within our events. By Entering into one of our events you waiver the understanding of such risks.


ii) Such risks of the event include but are not wholly limited to traffic accidents on the road and in event village, collisions with pedestrians or vehicles and/or fixed or moving objects and the negligence of other road users not directly involved with event, Further, you confirm that you fully understand and accept that your participation in the Event may result in serious bodily injury and/or death to yourself or others involved. It is your responsibility to exercise reasonable care and attention when participating in any activities associated with the event. You hereby accept that Outsider Events does not accept liability for any damage, loss or injury whatsoever resulting from any Event risks or dangers.


iii) Participants should have third party insurance to cover all eventualities. This can be obtained from various providers and as part of certain national federation membership schemes.


4) Accidents 


You will be fully responsible for any fees or direct costs that have been incurred or arisen from an accident involving or caused by you. This includes, but is not exclusive to, fees from Police, Air Ambulance, Fire and Rescue and the Ambulance service. If the situation arises that you are not capable of making the decision to call the emergency services, you agree that a member of our Team or a member of the public may call on your behalf. In this situation, you still accept the costs and consequences of such actions through submitting an application to participate in one of our events.


5) Your Personal Information and email 


i) We will only use your personal information as set out in our 'Privacy Policy'.


ii)By entering and giving your email address you allow for any notification or email forwarding of any related event or newsletter. Outsider Events will not forward your email on to any 3rd parties without your consent. 


6) Equipment 


i) It is your responsibility to adhere to the acquisition of [mandatory] equipment which is stated on the event website. Such equipment is essential in order to be allowed to enter and take part in the Event. Such equipment MUST be obtained by the Participant before entering the Event and it is the sole responsibility of the Participant to ensure that he can demonstrate to Outsider Events at signing on  at the start of the Event that he has the relevant equipment on him/her to complete the event both efficiently and safely.. . If you have any questions or uncertainties prior to the event in regards to equipment you must contact the event organisers via the contact section advertised on the website. 


ii) It is the sole responsibility of the event participant to ensure that all cycles and components are of suitable state and will maintained in such a way to be able to complete the rides safely. 


iii)  I understand that it is solely the competitor’s responsibility to safeguard any clothing in addition to equipment and that there are sufficient quantities and range of clothing that adequately caters for the varied weather conditions that can be on offer. 


iv) I understand that it is the event participants responsibility to bring appropriate camping and overnight gear that is safe for the event participant to spend a night camping at the event village. 


v) The Event organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage of equipment both in the event village or out on route. This also includes the transportation of equipment from the signing on to event village. Bikes and equipment will be transported in a safe and secure manor. 


7) Refunds


i) If the event is cancelled for any reason (outside of the control of the organiser eg. adverse weather), the organiser will make every such possible attempt to re-schedule the event. Those entered in the event will automatically be transferred to the rescheduled date of the event, or the following years edition. No refund shall be offered.


ii)Outsider Events offers 75% refund minus Entrycentral/Sientries process fee up until 8 weeks prior to event. 


iii)Within 8 weeks prior to the event there is no refund offered. 


iv) Any course changes (if space is available) made within 2 weeks of the event will be paid at the initial rate of payment and refund will be offered for the difference.




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